
The Georgian-Norwegian Rule of Law Association is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political legal person. The association was founded in March, 2014 by Norwegian and Georgian legal experts.  Pursuant to the aims of the Association, it shall serve throughout the whole territory of Georgia and abroad. The association is composed of  experienced law professionals  from Norway and Georgia. The members of the association are practioners in courts, proesecutors offices, law firms. They have a broad experience in participating criminal justice reform process of Georgia, promoting rule of law, strengthening the capacities of city and supreme courts of Georgia. Furthermore, the members of the association have acadamic backgorund.

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Mission of the association is establishment of meeting point where representative of legal professions can discuss practical and legal matters in an open minded fashion to further develop and understand the rule of law in Georgia and Norway, all in the spirit of NORLAG’s (The Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Georgia) work in the period 2004–2013. Promote legal education contribute to the law students’ intellectual advancement and raise qualification of students, lawyers, prosecutors and judges, develop legislative bases for the civil society and rule of law and  publish a periodic anthology. 

Board Members

  • Giorgi Giorgadze

    Giorgi Giorgadze - Chairman

  • Tamar Laliashvili

    Tamar Laliashvili - Board Member

  • Anders Lovlie

    Anders Lovlie - Board Member

    Anders Løvlie, born 1977. Lawyer PhD. Barrister with access to work with cases for the Norwegian Supreme Court since 2011. Member of the The Norwegian Criminal Cases Review Commission since 2014. Secretary for The Norwegian Commission on Criminal Procedure reform 2014–2016.

  • Runar Torgersen

    Runar Torgersen - Board Member

    Runar Torgersen, born 1973, Prosecutor at The Office of the Norwegian Director of Public Prosecutions since 2008, PhD. Previously secretary for three Law Committees and chairman of The Norwegian Commission on Criminal Procedure reform 2014–2016.

  • Bernt Krohg

    Bernt Krohg - Board Member

    Bernt Krohg, born 1953, judge at Eidsivating Court of Appeal since 1995. Previously 9 years experience as a lawyer (mainly private/commercial and public/administrative law) and 1 ½ year as a police prosecutor. International experience as legal adviser at NORLAG, Tbilisi in 2008 – 2009 and 2012 – 2013.



  • Nino Aglemashvili

    Nino Aglemashvili - Board Member




More Projects


  • Nils Christie “Crime Control as Industry: Towards Gulags Western Style”

  • Public Prosecutor’s Objectivity according to ECtHR Case-Law

  • Georgian Law Journal volume 1 2017 Issue 1

  • Nils Christie “Limits to Pain”

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